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Mayo 07, 2020

Preparing your customer experience design for generation 4

Traditional wisdom says to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day. But what kind of water? With an embarrassment of hydration options, both in our homes and on the market, the choice can be paralyzing, But it gets even cooler than that.

It doesn’t help that, in the wake of contamination crises and scarcity caused by natural disasters, most of us are aware like never before of the vital importance of clean water.

Most of us judge the cleanliness and healthiness of our water based on what tastes good to us. If you’re fine with what comes out of your faucet, then that’s what you drink — maybe you even proclaim its virtues to your out-of-state friends. (We’re looking at you, New York.)

If you don’t like the taste, though, or you’ve been freaked out by stories of bacteria, pathogens, heavy metals, and even micro plastics swimming around in your municipal water system, you might want to use a home water filter to ensure that you’re drinking H2O in its purest form, but

Traditional wisdom says to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day. But what kind of water? With an embarrassment of hydration options, both in our homes and on the market, the choice can be paralyzing, But it gets even cooler than that.

It doesn’t help that, in the wake of contamination crises and scarcity caused by natural disasters, most of us are aware like never before of the vital importance of clean water.

Most of us judge the cleanliness and healthiness of our water based on what tastes good to us. If you’re fine with what comes out of your faucet, then that’s what you drink — maybe you even proclaim its virtues to your out-of-state friends. (We’re looking at you, New York.)

If you don’t like the taste, though, or you’ve been freaked out by stories of bacteria, pathogens, heavy metals, and even micro plastics swimming around in your municipal water system, you might want to use a home water filter to ensure that you’re drinking H2O in its purest form, but

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Soporte Móvil 500: De las dificultades a las oportunidades

La Covid-19 llegó para cambiar nuestros hábitos, nos recordó la fragilidad de nuestra existencia, a la vez que está cambiando nuestra forma de ser, pensar y hacer, si algo hemos aprendido con esta crisis es que siempre hay otras formas de pensar, de ver y hacer las cosas, lo imposible se volvió posible.